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About Sarah Kearney, LCSW

At an early age, I knew that my goal in life was to make a difference in the world of others. It took me a while to find the actual path, but once I did, I have never turned back. For the past 20 years, I have been honored to listen to and be present for individuals and families when they have lost all hope, when they have tired of their struggles and they have sought healing, transformation and recovery.

As a Pacific Northwest Native, I have called Idaho “home” for the past 22 years. I cannot imagine having a better outdoor playground than what we have here. I have also enjoyed that Idaho’s people are most interested in what you “do” for recreation (hiking, skiing, camping, rafting), than what you “do” for your career or how successful you might be. This authentic life is one I have loved.

My Mission

I graduated from University of Washington in 1999 with a Bachelors of Arts in Sociology. After working on the East Coast and traveling internationally, I graduated from Boise State University in 2003 with a Masters Degree in Social Work. For the past 20 years, I have worked in a variety of mental health settings, providing assessment and therapy to diverse populations. When I’m not at work, you can find me in the outdoors with my husband, teenage children and our golden retriever who believes herself to our family’s baby. Covid life brought us a mini-Aussie, who terrorizes us all with her antics. 

My goal as a therapist has been to offer a safe space for individuals and families to feel heard and understood. I offer supportive guidance and direction in assisting individuals and families to set and reach their goals, while healing and growing. I feel honored to be able to assist my clients and it is my goal to ensure that every client experiences the utmost level of respect and care.

Why write about mental health?

When I was six, I suddenly lost my mother to a confusing and unexplained death. My reprieve from this deep hurt was found in books, which led its way to writing. I spent early mornings in the second grade before school typing out my version of the Great American Novel. However, I am certain what I was really doing was plagiarizing my idol, Beverly Clearly. By no means do I identify as a writer, but as I sit with my clients and hear their stories, I feel moved to bring these words to a different life. What so many of my clients say resonates with me on a personal level and the struggles I have had, as well as there are so many commonalities among these individuals who are strangers to one another. What if we could just get on the same page as to how think about ourselves, care about ourselves and move through this world with self acceptance, presence and joy? 

We are constantly bombarded by the "bad" news of the world, the social media posts meant to inspire but make us feel "less than" and the constant self-criticism meant to encourage but instead keeps us stuck. This is my attempt to put out there a little "good." A little space for reflection, encouragement and hope. 

Happy Reading! 

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