
Life isn’t always easy. Sometimes, even the strongest people amongst us need a little bit of help to work through some of life’s more challenging problems. Everyone has battles to fight and hurdles to overcome at some point. Whether you struggle with anxiety, depression, self-esteem, or any other issue, you should know that there is hope for a better tomorrow.

I believe that massive changes are made one baby step at a time. As we look to change our lives, we have to change our mindset, our habits, our thoughts, our behavior. We don't just make these shifts once, we have to practice them over and over. This resource is here to give you insights into how to make those shifts, how to look at this one beautiful and messy life from a different perspective and help you create a roadmap to where you want to go. 

"Courage doesn’t always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, I will try again tomorrow."  - Mary Anne Radmacher 

Do we really need another mental health and wellness blog? Another therapist waxing philosophical about their ideas and thoughts for wholehearted and purpose driven living? I don't really know, but what I do know is that I encounter a whole lot of people in the world who could use some self-compassion, some empathy, some kindness and some hope. So here is my effort to fill this gap.

About Sarah Kearney

At an early age, I knew that my goal in life was to make a difference in the world of others. It took me a while to find the actual path, but once I did, I have never turned back. For the past 20 years, I have been honored to listen to and be present for individuals and families when they have lost all hope, when they have tired of their struggles and they have sought healing, transformation and recovery.

As a Pacific Northwest Native, I have called Idaho “home” for the past 22 years. I cannot imagine having a better outdoor playground than what we have here. I have also enjoyed that Idaho’s people are most interested in what you “do” for recreation (hiking, skiing, camping, rafting), than what you “do” for your career or how successful you might be. This authentic life is one I have loved.


 Any information read or acted upon that is found in part or in entirety on this blog are subject to the terms of use. You are reading this blog on your own free will. Any recommendations, links you click or content you consume is your own personal choice. Reaching and taking any recommendations is done so at your own risk. All content provided is for entertainment purposes and will not constitute any medical or legal advice. Any professional recommendations or statements are based on opinion and any actions taken are on your own free will. Should you choose to take action based upon content read on this site, you do so at your own risk and agree to hold the author harmless. If you are experiencing a medical or mental health emergency, call 911 or present to your nearest emergency room.